
Keighley Taylor and Tasha Arvin2

2019 Academic Festival showcases student work

Seventy-two Penn State Mont Alto students displayed and presented their best academic and artistic work on April 12, during the 14th annual Penn State Mont Alto Academic Festival. Innovative research-based posters, informational exhibits, and oral presentations were presented in the Multipurpose Activities Center, while student artwork was on display in the library.
Mont Alto Theater Students

Mont Alto Theater Students

Penn State Mont Alto theater students (l to r) Blair Noel, Natalia Molina, and Jordan Foreman paint the backdrop for their dog safety puppet show, which will be presented at the Chambersburg YMCA on April 24.

Ahmed Radwan and Curtis Hoover

Penn State Mont Alto celebrates excellence

Penn State Mont Alto honored students and faculty members achieving academic and teaching excellence during the annual Academic and Leadership Awards Ceremony in the Multipurpose Activities Center on April 7.
Ahmed Radwan and Curtis Hoover

Ahmed Radwan and Curtis Hoover

Ahmed Radwan, left, receives the Eric A. and Josephine Walker Award for Outstanding Student Leadership from Penn State Mont Alto Director of Student Affairs Curtis Hoover during the 2019 Academic and Leadership Awards Ceremony on April 7.

Ahmed Radwan

Ahmed Radwan

Ahmed Radwan (left) receives The Eric A. and Josephine Walker Award for Outstanding Student Leadership from Penn State Mont Alto Director of Student Affairs Curtis Hoover (right) during the 2019 Academic and Leadership Awards Ceremony on April 7.